Woody Harris
composer, guitarist
In a quiet place between the rigors of contemporary classical harmony and free jazz lies ‘intimate jazz’. It breathes bare expression, infused with passionate dissonances, punctuated with abrupt rhythmic shifts, and yet it is structured with clarity of phrasing. ‘Intimate jazz’ is music in a comfortable room with the lights down low, that savored sip of aged wine.
'There's nothing like living a long time to create a depth and soulfulness in your music'

Latest Releases

Earlier Albums
Notated Music

Notated music from both the Bluish and Edgework as well as new recordings can be purchased as PDFs. The compositions, encoded with Sibelius, are notated in un-measured notation similar to Louis Couperin’s unmeasured preludes from c.1650. The notation includes some fingering and phrasing indications.